Are you looking for additional cash flow as soon as possible? Cash advance loans allow you to access extra funds whenever you need them. A cash advance on a credit card is similar to a cash advance loan, except for in how they’re delivered. A loan goes straight to your account, instead of onto your credit card. You will, of course, still be required to pay interest on the loan similar to a credit card. Repayments are usually staggered over the course of an agreed upon loan term.
How much you’re able to borrow with a cash advance loan will vary depending on the lender. As a lender-finding service, Pocket Cash can help you find lenders offering cash advance loans up to $10,000 online!
Cash advance loans are a type of personal loan. As a result, they can be used to cover a variety of expenses. Some common examples include:
Ultimately, a cash advance is not tied to any particular purpose. So, you can use the money for any personal expenses you have.
Our mission at Pocket Cash is to help Aussie borrowers find reputable lenders online.
The Australian lender market is swamped with new options every day. What seems great at first also comes with a flipside – more options means more research. At Pocket Cash, we aren’t lenders ourselves, but lender finders. This means, when you apply with us, we’ll search and compare lenders until we find one that matches your needs. As a result, one application with us will give you access to a pool of trusted lenders and increase your chances of getting approved for the finance you need.
Best of all, our service is free of charge and 100% online! So, you can apply online whenever you’d like, wherever you are.
Pocket Cash is the pal in your pocket, we can help you find lenders for a range of purposes. So while cash advance loans are one way to get access to cash flow quickly, we can help you access cash for other purposes as well. Before you apply, take a look at some of the other types of loans we can help you access:
For most people, this is the easiest form of loan to get. If you are after a small personal loan to make an additional purchase, this is probably your best option. You won’t be asked to put down an asset as security against the loan and in most cases, the requirements won’t be too strict, even if you have bad credit or receive Centrelink payments you can apply.
If you are after a big personal loan, you will most likely take out a secured loan. That means your lender will require you to provide an asset like a car, a boat, or motorbike as security against your loan. This extra security then allows them to offer you more money and lower interest rates.
This specific type of personal loan allows you to combine multiple old debts into one repayment. If you have accumulated debt over time and find it tricky to manage different repayments at once, you can consolidate them into one payment with one interest rate. It’s easier to manage and, in some cases, will save you more money long-term.
If you are planning to buy a car, you can get a specific loan for it. The vehicle you are planning to purchase can often be used as security against your loan and allows you to borrow more money. Car loans are bound to the purpose of purchasing a car (or any other vehicle like a ute or a motorbike). Most of the time, you won’t be able to purchase a car using cash advance loans or other personal loans.
Every lender has their own specific criteria, so we can’t speak for all of them. However, most Aussie lenders have similar requirements for their applicants. You are likely to be eligible if you are:
If this sounds like you, feel free to apply! You can shoot over any additional questions regarding your application. Our customer service team is happy to help.
To make the process as fast and easy as possible, you can get your documents ready beforehand. Just make sure you have the following information ready:
That’s it. We will take you through the whole process and if you need a helping hand, our customer service team is only a few clicks away.
A bad financial decision in the past – or sheer bad luck – can cause your credit score to drop. It can take years for it to recover, even if you have moved on and improved your financial situation. The good news is, while most lenders will consider your credit score some will also look into other information when determining your eligibility. If you’re interested in cash advance loans but you’re worried about your bad credit, stop stressing!
We work with a wide variety of lenders. Consequently, we may be able to match you with a lender that has a different approach to credit. So, feel free to apply!
If you’re ready to apply for cash advance loans, let’s go! Scroll to the top of this page and simply select your loan amount to get started. Our application takes most applicant’s just a few minutes to complete. Once submitted, we’ll get to work assessing your application. If we’re able to find you a suitable lender, we’ll be in touch ASAP! From there, it’ll be up to your lender to finalise the loan.
Remember, you should always read the loan agreement carefully before signing. You are never required to go through with a loan, until you sign the agreement.
Still have some more questions? If it’s related to your loan, then chat to your lender. Otherwise, we recommend you visit our FAQ section first. If you can’t find your question there, shoot it over to our customer service team. We are always more than happy to help!